The foreign workers like the local ones were given work and monthly pay. The company was responsible for the working conditions and the food. However, in spite of the fact that there existed central nutrition norms, documents show that the Czech and other foreign workers repeatedly had to complain to the German occupation authorities about the lack of food.
In addition to the lack of sufficient nutrition, the arctic climate was a challenge. However, the young and physically fit men survived surprisingly well in spite if minus 36 celsius. The low temperatures did not bother us very much as we were young and well-trained and in our best years. And in spite of the fact that we had to stay the whole day outdoor without heating. We got used to the cold work during the winter.
The forced workers from abroad worked mostly in smaller groups with building projects on the Norwegian coast. A remaining group worked in Trondheim while most of the workers were sent to work on the Norwegian coast-line all the way up. Even on the border to Finland in Persamo they worked. The places where the forced workers stayed, are illustrated in the section Map.